Saturday, May 31, 2008

i can has cheezburger

I love this pic...

more cat pictures

Tonight was a long night of entertaining the inebriated. I just was -not- in the mood for that kind of crowd. Waffle House was no better with it's "Jerry-Springer-via-Winston-Salem" class of drama. The only thing missing was the failed paternity test and the goofy look on the trailer parks Mama's face when she says "well I don't know who else could be the father...".

One can only assume it's because she lost track of names after the fifth guy in the train serviced her. Yeah, that was dirty. So what? Next time...don't look.

Anyway, at night's end I found myself sitting at the computer and scoping out the numerous pics that have captions added in Leet Speak. The site I was at was

I enjoy this site more than you can imagine.
A. I like cats. Not cute cat shit, either...awesome stuff...or stuff that makes you laugh.
B. Anything worth laughing at once is worth laughing at twice. They've got so much that you don't wind up seeing the same thing twice.

Bad days become good days when I look at this site. It doesn't take long to find something to make me laugh on here.

If'n ya gets a moment...go scope it out...and tell 'em Charlie sent ya!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

New Blog Inspired

Oh, this was bound to happen eventually.

I like to write. I'm not the brightest duck on the pond, but expressing myself this way has always seemed so natural. It's a good fit for me.

I like to blog, and to read others' blogs. I started on MySpace, and realized that the more Red Bull I drink, the deeper I dig and the more truthful (and sometimes cynical) I write.

My cousin has been blogging pretty steady here for a while now. I made sure to subscribe to her blog this morning...just because. :) Her perspective on things is funny. She lists the people in her blog with abbreviated names...don't ask me why, it just the hell outta me.

Check her blog...

Speaking of my MySpace blogs...I guess I'll have to do some digging and post some of that stuff here. There are some interesting moments that I was almost too open about. I'll have to go through and re-read (and edit) some of that stuff before I post it.

Oh...about me...
I'm a struggling self-employed divorced white male with 2 daughters, a girlfriend, her daughter, 10 cats, a music job, and two Suzuki Samurais.

I'm not feeling very bloggy right now...the caffeine is wrestling control from the muscle relaxer I took last night. I hate taking medications that bog me down, but that knotted muscle that's been giving me trouble since Saturday morning was causing me to lose too much sleep. Waking up this morning was more challenging than it ever should be.

I've got issues, and they'll be written about on here soon enough. I'm about three steps away from calling a therapist. This might be a bit less expensive. :)

Okay...lists to make, work to do.

I promise I'll blog about something interesting...or at least entertaining...soon enough.
